3 - Must have

2 - Should have

1 - Might have

Log in API requirments
Priority Task Status
3 Access point to generate authentication token.
3 Get user salt.
Student API requirments
Priority Task Status
3 Get student details.
3 Get student module list with results by year.
2 Get student coursework timetable.
3 Get student current coursework results.
Staff API requirments
Priority Task Status
3 Search option for students/modules.
3 Get staff details.
3 Get modules staff is involved in.
1 Get list of students staff is tutor of.
3 Get module details.
1 Get module description.
1 Get modulle syllabus.
1 Get module marking criteria. ̄
1 Get module teaching methods. ̄
2 Get module timetable. ̄
3 Get programme details. ̄
2 Get programme module list for year. ̄
3 Edit coursewotk details/times.
3 Edit/Add coursewwork results for students.
Admin API requirments
Priority Task Status
3 Create new module.
2 Create new coursework. ̄
1 Edit module description.
1 Edit module syllabus.
3 Edit module teaching staff.
3 Edit module prerequisites.
3 Edit module exam/coursework timetable. ̄
1 Edit programme module lists. ̄
1 Edit programme description. ̄
1 Edit staff details. ̄
3 Edit staff tutoring list.
3 Edit staff module involvement.
1 Edit staff details. ̄
1 Edit student details. ̄
2 Edit current module list for students.
User Interface Log in page
Priority Task Status
3 Username/Password input validation.
User Interface student page
Priority Task Status
3 User details section.
3 Current modules table.
3 Courseworks result table.
2 Module results for past years table.
2 Coursework timetable.
User Interface staff pages
Priority Task Status
3 Staff details section.
3 Table of modules he is involved in.
2 List of students he is tutoring.
3 Search bar and way to display results.
3 Page for creating a module and coursework.
1 Programmes details section. ̄
3 Programmes module list for each year. ̄
3 Modules details section.
1 Modules description and syllabus.
1 Module teaching and examening methods.
3 Module prerequisite table.
3 Way to edit coursework details. ̄
3 Way to edit studets coursewok result.
1 Way to edit description and syllabus. ̄
3 Way to edit module exam timetable. ̄
3 Way to edit staff details. ̄
3 Way to edit student details. ̄
3 Edit students module list. ̄